Workshop Registration

Prophetic Dance Training
All Workshops consist of an intense 6-Hour Training session which includes a FREE complimentary signed copy of "Prophetic Dance Movements Availeth Much!" Workshop Fee: $155 per person (non-refundable) *Special group rate: $125 per person (10-20 maximum).
Space must be able to accommodate ample movement without structural hindrances including ceiling height. Workshop sizes are designed for individualized attention. (non-refundable)
Foundations of Prophetic Dance & Flags – Introduction to basic dance and flag movements with bible-based teachings and the significance of various expressions to different genres of praise and worship music.
Intermediate & Advanced Prophetic Dance – An overview of prophetic dance movements to the Word of God, instrumental sounds, and synchronous movements to shifting and modulating sounds to varying Christian genres. A combination of prophetic worship and praise songs will be integrated in the workshop to enhance your execution with strategic movements.
Foundations of Prophetic Flags – To understand the biblical significance of using flags in worship arts. We will discuss the different sizes and textures of flags and how to select one to reflect and interpret the sound. Various flag movements will be implemented.
Intermediate & Advanced Prophetic Flags – An overview of biblical meaning of flags and the impact they have in the atmosphere. An in-depth teaching of how flags have a voice. Flag movements will minister one-on-one. Flaggers will be challenged to minister to various instrumental, Christian, Messianic, Latino, and Caribbean music to broaden their flag movements.
Praising God in Movement (Non-dancers) – This workshop is customized to meet the request of the host/leader of any group or organization. The curriculum and training will produce an optimal outcome by introducing expressions of dance and flag movements without any inhibitions. No dance experience required.